
Make Your WordPress Website Secure

More than 30% of websites use the most widely used content management system, WordPress. But as it gets bigger, hackers are starting to pay attention and attack WordPress sites directly. Whatever material your website offers, you are not an exception. You risk being hacked if you don’t take necessary safeguards. You should monitor the security of your website, just like with everything else tech-related.

we will share our 10 Best Tips to keep your WordPress website secure.

1. Choose a Good Hosting Company

Choosing a hosting company that has several security layers is the simplest method to keep your website secure.

It could be alluring to choose an inexpensive hosting company; after all, you can save money on website hosting and use it for other purposes within your company. But try not to take this path. In the long run, it can and frequently does result in nightmares. Your data can be completely lost, and your URL might start rerouting to a different location.


2. Don’t Use Nulled Themes

WordPress premium themes feature more customization possibilities and a more polished appearance than free themes. One would counter that you get what you pay for. Premium themes are created by talented programmers and tested to pass many WordPress validations right out of the box. There are no limitations on theme customization, and you will receive complete support in the event that something goes wrong with your website. You will primarily receive regular theme changes.

However, there are a few sites that offers nulled or cracked themes. A nulled or cracked theme is a hacked version of a premium theme that is only available through illegal means. They are also extremely hazardous to your website. These themes contain malicious code that could destroy your website and database or log your admin credentials.


3. Install a WordPress Security Plugin

It takes time to check your website security for malware on a regular basis, and unless you keep your knowledge of coding practices up to date, you may not even realize you’re looking at malware written into the code. Fortunately, others have recognized that not everyone is a developer and have created WordPress security plugins to assist. A security plugin looks after your site’s security, scans for malware, and monitors it 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


4. Use a Strong Password

Passwords are a critical component of website security that is all too often overlooked. If you are using a simple password, such as ‘123456, abc123, password,’ you must change it immediately. While this password is simple to remember, it is also extremely simple to guess. An advanced user can easily crack your password and gain access without much difficulty.

It is essential that you use a complex password, preferably one that is auto-generated with a variety of numbers, illogical letter combinations, and special characters such as $ or ^.


5. Install SSL Certificate

SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is now beneficial for all types of websites. Initially, SSL was required to secure a website for specific transactions, such as payment processing. Today, however, Google has recognized its significance and gives sites with an SSL certificate a higher weighting in its search results.



WordPress security is an important aspect of any website. Hackers can easily attack your site if your WordPress security is not maintained. Maintaining your website’s security is simple and can be done for free.